

Tips to Save Water Indoors

Saving water in your home saves money on your
water bill and helps protect our precious resource.

Tips on Saving Water
in the Home

Install Water-Efficient Fixtures
Fixtures with the WaterSense labels are certified to be 20 percent more efficient than the average plumbing fixture.

Repair Leaky Faucets ASAP
A tiny drip makes a big difference. A 1/16” stream of water wastes almost 25,000 gallons per month.

Only Install Water Softeners When Necessary
Install softeners only as necessary and only run the minimum amount of regenerations necessary to maintain water softness. Too many regenerations wastes water unnecessarily.

Tips on Saving Water
in the Kitchen

Update your Dishwasher
Dishwashers built before 1994 waste more than 10 gallons of water per cycle than newer models.

Soak Pans Before Washing
Instead of scrubbing pans while the water is running, soaking them will help save water and effort.

Scrape Dishes and Check Settings
Scraping off large food particles and using a quick wash setting means your dishwasher requires less water to do its job.

Tips on Saving Water in
the Laundry Room

Wash Full Loads of Laundry
Only run full loads of laundry and use the lowest water level necessary for smaller loads.

Use a High Efficiency Washing Machine
Conventional washing machines can use up to twice as many gallons per load compared to high efficiency machines.

Tips on Saving Water in
the Bathroom

Take Shorter Showers
Reducing your time in the shower can save up to 4 gallons per minute. Reducing your shower by 5 minutes will save 12-20 gallons per shower depending on your fixtures. You can even turn off the water while you lather up with soap or shampoo your hair, then turn it back on to rinse off.

Turn off Water While Brushing and Shaving
You don’t need to leave the water running while you brush your teeth or shave. Leaving the water off until you’re ready to rinse will save approximately 2 gallons for every minute that the water is left off.

Fix Running Toilets
A leaking toilet can lose thousands of gallons per month. But they are easy and inexpensive to repair. Make sure the flapper is working properly; you don’t necessarily have to hear a toilet running for them to be losing water.

Install Efficient Fixtures
Low-flow shower heads, faucets and aerators save a lot of water and still provide the pressure and flow you need.

Install Low-flow Toilets
Replace older toilets with high efficiency ones (1.3 gallons per flush) or install water displacement devices in the tank to reduce the amount of water used with each flush.

Never Flush Trash
Never dispose of garbage in the toilet because it wastes water and results in damage city wastewater lines and your property.